Facial hair: the bane of every woman’s existence!
All women have the occasional “straggler”, that hair or patch of hairs that grows in the worst possible place!
You know what I’m talking about–those extra hairs on your chin, along your jawline, above your lip, or on your sideburns.
Those hairs can be a pain in the butt to get rid of.
Every time you think you’ve dealt with the hair, you discover another growing somewhere else.
Worse still, even after you get rid of the hairs, they just grow back–sometimes thicker, stronger, and more visible!
What Can You Do?
Many women spend hundreds of dollars on epilators, waxing kits, trimmers, and safety razors, all in an attempt to know how to remove facial hair.
In the end, many give up and resort to bleaching the hairs–better invisible than stubbly, right?
If you’re sick and tired of shaving/waxing/epilating your face, read on to find out how to remove facial hair naturally.
Our simple home remedies have been tried and tested, and you’ll find that they’re surprisingly effective. Using them can teach you how to remove ingrown facial hair, get rid of that moustache, or trim those whiskers.
By the end of this page, you’ll know how to remove facial hair permanently at home.
How to Get Rid of Facial Hair:
Papaya and Turmeric
Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down the hair follicles-preventing them from re-growing more hairs.
Applying papaya to your face will help to inhibit hair growth, making it easier for you to keep your chin whiskers, sideburns, or moustache under control.
Applying papaya to your face will help to inhibit hair growth, making it easier for you to keep your chin whiskers, sideburns, or moustache under control.
Adding turmeric into the mix makes the papaya more effective.
The stable compounds in turmeric will help to kill off the hairs, preventing their regrowth.
How it’s done:
Use a spoon to scoop out a few chunks of raw papaya flesh.
Add in half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, and use a fork to mash and mix the ingredients together. You should end up with a thick paste.
Using your fingers, apply the paste to the parts of your face with hair.
Massage your skin gently to ensure that the paste is absorbed into your hair and skin.
Let it sit for 15 minutes before washing off with warm water.
Repeat the process once every two weeks or so, and you’ll notice your facial hair disappearing on its own!
How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally:
Homemade Wax
Did you know that you can make your own wax at home? You don’t need to buy wax from the store, but you can prepare your own using a few simple ingredients you’ll find in your kitchen.
How it’s done:
Pour two tablespoons of sugar into a microwave safe bowl or container, and add in a tablespoon of honey and water each.
Place the mixture in the microwave for 30 seconds, or heat it in a double boiler on the stove.
Boil it until the sugar dissolves and mixes with the liquids.
You will end up with a thick, waxy substance.
Use a spatula or wax applicator to stir the wax, and apply it to the parts of your face with the facial hair you want to eliminate.
Place a strip of cloth over the freshly applied wax, let it cool for a couple of seconds, then pull.
The wax will rip out the hair, leaving your face fresh and clean.
If the homemade wax cools, place it back in the double boiler, or heat it in the microwave for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat until your face is free of hair!
How To Remove Facial Hair Permanently At Home:
This is an ancient hair removal method that WORKS! It’s easily as effective as waxing though it can be less painful and irritating for your skin.
If you have sensitive skin that is prone to redness, this could be the best natural option for hair removal.
How it’s done:
Place a quarter cup of water in a stockpot or saucepan, and place the pot on the stove.
Once the water is hot, add a ¼ cup of lemon juice and 2 cups of regular table sugar (white or brown, it doesn’t matter).
Mix and continue heating until the mixture begins to bubble, then turn the fire to low and let it simmer.
Turn it off once the mixture turns an amber color.
Remove the pot from the stove and let it cool slightly.
As the mixture is cooling, apply a dusting of baby powder or cornstarch to your skin.
This will prevent the mixture from sticking to your skin, reducing irritation.
Apply the slightly-cooled paste to your face, going in the opposite direction of the hair. Place a cotton strip or a clean cloth over the paste.
Let it sit for a few minutes, until the paste has hardened. Rip it off by pulling in the direction of your hairs. Repeat until all facial hair has been removed.
Rip it off by pulling in the direction of your hairs. Repeat until all facial hair has been removed.
How to Get Rid of Facial Hair:
Egg White Mask
Eggs are packed with protein, meaning they are wonderful for your skin! They will provide the nutrients your skin needs to produce collagen, which will keep it fresh and young.
Plus, egg white is beautifully sticky when it dries, and an egg white mask will stick to any facial hairs.
When you rip it off, it will pluck hairs with all the ruthless efficiency of store-bought wax!
How it’s done:
Drop the white of 1 egg into a bowl, and mix in a tablespoon of regular table sugar and half a tablespoon of cornstarch. Beat the mixture until it the paste is nice and smooth.
Apply the paste to your face, and let it sit for a few minutes–until dry. The paste will harden into a thick mask, which you can literally grab and RIP off.
Just be careful not to hurt your skin as you pull. A quick rip will pluck the hairs without damaging your skin.
How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally:
Potato Lentil Mask
This Ayurvedic remedy has been used in India for centuries, and it’s one of the most effective ways to get rid of facial hair (and body hair) at home.
You may need to visit an Indian/Oriental food store to find the yellow lentils (moong daal), but everything else comes straight from your pantry!
How it’s done:
Soak a cup of yellow lentils in water overnight. Come morning, use a pestle and mortar or food processor to crush the soaked lentils into a thick paste.
Peel three potatoes (yellow or white, it doesn’t matter).
Run the potatoes through the food processor, or grate them–as if making hash-browns. Place the crushed/grated potatoes on a sieve, and press on the potatoes to extract as much potato juice as possible.
Easy Option: Run the potato through your cold press juicer to extract the maximum amount of juice with the least amount of effort!
Mix the potato juice in with the lentil paste, and add a tablespoon of honey and four tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir until it forms a thick, smooth paste.
Apply the paste to your face or body–anywhere you have unwanted hair. Let it sit for up to 20 minutes. It will dry and tighten on your skin.
Once it’s fully dry, rub the paste with your fingers to remove it. The dried lentil paste will fall off, taking your unwanted body hair with it!
Bonus: Potato juice is a natural bleaching agent, so any remaining facial or body hair will be bleached.
How to Remove Facial Hair Permanently at Home:
Molasses Wax
If you don’t have honey at home, you can always use molasses to make your own homemade wax. Even dark corn syrup will do the trick!
The wax is quick and easy to make, and it’s effective to use for getting rid of facial hair.
How it’s Done:
Pour one cup of sugar into a microwave-safe bowl or container. Pour in just enough dark corn syrup or molasses to cover the sugar, stir, and let it sit for a few minutes.
Place the mixture in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes, until the sugar is fully dissolved into the molasses.
Once the mixture has cooled slightly, add in the juice of half a lemon. Stir well, and return to the microwave if necessary.
The mixture should cool down before you apply it to your face. It shouldn’t be so hot that it burns your skin, so use it once it is properly lukewarm.
Apply the mixture to the hair you want to remove and press a waxing strip or clean cloth into the molasses wax.
Pull to remove the hair, and repeat as desired.
How to Get Rid of Facial Hair:
Basil Onion Paste
This is a surprisingly effective remedy, but one that will require a bit of extra work.
You’ll need to remove the thin membranes from between the layers of an onion. They are the part that will provide the effective hair removal–it’s worth the effort! Check out more info on red onion juice for hair growth here.
How it’s done:
Slice two onions in half, and, using a knife, remove the thin membranes from between the layers of an onion.
Once you have removed the membranes, add in 10 to 12 fresh basil leaves (not dried).
Use a pestle and mortar to crush the basil leaves and onion membranes, and keep crushing until it forms a smooth paste.
Apply the paste to any unwanted facial hair, and let it sit for up to 20 minutes. (If you feel your skin burning, you’ve left it too long!)
Use warm water to wash the paste off your skin.
You’ll need to repeat this remedy a few times a week. After about a month, you’ll find the unwanted hair is gone!
How to Remove Facial Hair Naturally:
Gelatin Face Mask
No, you’re not going to use Jell-O to get rid of your facial hair!
You’ll need unflavored gelatin, but you’ll find that the gelatin face mask does a great job of eliminating unwanted hair.
By adding lemon juice, you bleach any hairs that aren’t removed by the mask.
The lavender essential oil will help to soften your skin and reduce any risk of irritation.
How it’s done:
In a bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of whole milk with a tablespoon of unflavored gelatin powder.
Squeeze in a couple of drops of lemon juice, along with 1 drop of lavender essential oil. Place the mixture in the microwave for no more than 20 seconds.
The mixture will be a bit hot, but you will need to apply it directly to your face after you remove it from the microwave. Let it sit on your face for 5 minutes. Be warned: the mixture will stick VERY quickly.
Be careful only to apply it to areas with facial hair you want to remove–ergo, keep it away from your eyebrows and eyelashes.
After 5 minutes, you can simply peel the gelatin mask off with your fingers. It won’t just eliminate facial hair, but it can even help to get rid of blackheads and dead skin cells!
These home remedies can be surprisingly effective at getting rid of unwanted facial hair, and you’ll find that most of them are easy to do with the ingredients you already have in your pantry/cupboards.
However, these are only some of the natural ways to get rid of facial hair. Some other home remedies include apricot and honey facial scrub, wheat bran scrub, lavender and tea tree oil mix, orange and lemon peel mask, barley scrub and oat meal mask. These are easily available and are sure to be safe for your skin.
Try them for yourself and see which work best. Thanks to the remedies, you won’t have to worry about how to get rid of facial hair ever again!